_________________________________________________ MOTION FOR SUMMARY RELIEF DENIED: April 28, 1994 _________________________________________________ GSBCA 12765 GRIGOR E. ATOIAN, Appellant, v. GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION, Respondent. Grigor E. Atoian, pro se, Woodland Hills, CA. Michele M. Feher, Office of Regional Counsel, General Services Administration, San Francisco, CA, counsel for Respondent. Before Board Judges PARKER, BORWICK, and DeGRAFF. DeGRAFF, Board Judge. In the March 25, 1994 order entered in this appeal, we reminded the parties that the appeal file in GSBCA 11481 is not part of the record in this appeal. Because this is a new appeal, the parties were required to submit new appeal files, which they did. On April 26, 1994, GSA filed a motion for summary relief which relies upon exhibits that are found in the appeal file for GSBCA 11481, and not in the record for this appeal. GSA's motion cannot be granted, because it is not supported by any evidence that is of record in this appeal. Accordingly, GSA's motion for summary relief is DENIED. ______________________________ MARTHA H. DeGRAFF Board Judge We concur: ____________________________ ________________________________ ROBERT W. PARKER ANTHONY S. BORWICK Board Judge Board Judge